Highlight Films news

The war is changing, but far from being over

With the latest attacks in Lebanon and the killing of Hezbollah leader, Hassan Nasrallah, the future of the year-long war of attrition in northern Israel is unclear. Many news crews and journalists are already in Israel, and more plan to arrive here in the next days. We continue to provide all production services, including personal protective gear, to visiting crews.

Highlight Films news

11 months of war, and no end in sight

On October 7, 2024, Israel will mark the first anniversary of the current war. It is the longest war in the history of Israel, and no one can tell when it will end.

A cease fire agreement in Gaza is not expected, as both Israel and Hamas would not compromise on their principles. Hamas still holds 101 Israelis kidnapped on Oct. 7, 2023, many of them are already dead.

We continue to provide production services to journalists, production companies and broadcasters from all over the world. We have Israeli teams and Palestinian teams who have been doing that from the beginning of the war.

Highlight Films news

Six months from the beginning of the war

Israel marks today six months to the beginning of the war, with the savage attack of Hamas terrorists on October 7, 2023.

As of today, fighting continues in the southern part of the Gaza Strip. Israel is on a high alert for an imminent Iranian attack on its territory.

As far as news and documentary production services – we continue to provide services to our customers on all fronts, including fixers and camera crews in the Palestinian West Bank.

Highlight Films news

Prepare for a hot July in Israel

Many customers are asking our advice regarding filming in Israel in the next weeks. First of all, Israel is still a great place to be, and an amazing place to film at. But, and it’s a big BUT, the next few weeks are going to shale Israel.

Israel is under attack. Not by terrorists or enemies, but from within. Our unfit, corrupt prime minister is supported by a coalition of fanatics who decided that the only way to give them absolute power and political longevity, is by turning Israel into a dictatorship, supported by ultra religious parties.

The majority of Israelis will not stay quiet and let Netanyahu escape prison by destroying our homeland. We are out on the streets, using our (still) democratic right to demonstrate. We will not rest until this evil plan will fail and cease threatening our lives and our children’s future.

So Israel will be a rather unpleasant place to be in the next days. There will be demonstrations, maybe clashes and violence, hopefully no fatalities. If you plan to come to Israel in order to produce something unrelated to the demonstrations, the next days are not the best time do that. But if you plan a documentary shoot dealing with Israel – this will be a fascinating opportunity to see democracy at work – good people fighting for values we have all taken for granted, as we think everyone should do, until we realized that the time has come to fight, not by violence or by breaking the law, but still fight in any way we can.

Highlight Films news

The latest security events in Israel: is it safe to travel?

These are sad and troublesome days in Israel. What began as an attempt to destroy the only democracy in the Middle East and turn it into a dictatorship, has escalated to continuos terror attacks from within and without.

Is Israel still safe. for visiting production teams? We believe it is, but the fear of coming to shoot a film, video or a TV show in Israel is understandable. For customers who decide to come and produce therm shoots in Israel, we continue to provide the best production services, as we have been doing in the last 25 years. And for anyone who hesitates or feels reluctant to come – we offer our full package of remote production services. Our producers and crews are very experienced in producing remotely, providing our clients with a direct feed from shoots in any point in Israel.

And if you want our ask us – just drop us a line and we promise to give you our sincere advice.


Israel: democracy is under attack

Our democracy is under attack. The legally elected government of Israel decided to end its democratic regime. Under a corrupt prime minister who will do everything in his power to avoid criminal convictions, dozens of rules are being legislated in order to turn Israel into a hybrid dictatorship – theocracy.

The people of Israel said NO. We are on the streets, peacefully protesting in order to remain the only democracy in the Middle East.

These are historical days in Israel, now facing the worst crisis since it was established 75 years ago.

We continue to serve our customers with production services in Israel and the neighboring countries. When we don’t work, we demonstrate!

We are optimistic, because we are still a democracy, but that may change very soon. The events in Israel are unprecedented, and it seems that the public protest is only getting stronger. If you consider coming to Israel to follow and document these unprecedented events, let us know and we’d be glad to help.


Our new production services company in Abu Dhabi, UAE

We are glad to announce that we have established Highlight Media, a local Abu Dhabi company. Highlight Media will produce original TV content for the International markets, and will be a one-stop-shop for film, video and TV productions looking to film in the UAE.

As we do in Israel for the last 25 years, Highlight Media Abu Dhabi will provide our customers with first-rate professional productions services for TV, documentary, drama, reality, corporate and commercial shoots. Our professional team is made of highly experienced producers living in the UAE. More details coming soon…

Highlight Films news

Happy New year 2023

We wish our customers, colleagues and suppliers a great 2023! We are looking forward to begin the new year with the best film, TV and video professionals in and around Israel!

Highlight Films news

Remote video production services in Israel – work with the best in 2023

When the Covid pandemic broke, almost three years ago, we have decided to go for full remote production services in Israel. With things back to normal, we continue to provide remote services for corporate, documentary and other video productions, along with catering for the needs of producers and film crews arriving to Israel.

Our remote production services allow our customers to view our cameras feed and hear the original audio in real time, virtually without delay, from any location in Israel. In Palestine this service is available only in the big cities.

So, if you plan a video shoot in Israel – please feel free to contact us in advance and check what is the best way to do it: by a visiting crew or remotely.

Highlight Films news

The Israel General Elections will take place on Nov. 1, 2022

With the resignation of Prime minister Naftali Bennet, the Knesset approved the date for the next general elections: Tuesday, November 1, 2022.

We will provide news and documentary production services for our clients, interested in covering the political campaigns and the elections night. Our camera crews and producers in Israel and Palestine will be available, pending early booking.

Please feel free to contact us regarding the any production services in Israel.