Highlight Films news

Prepare for a hot July in Israel

Many customers are asking our advice regarding filming in Israel in the next weeks. First of all, Israel is still a great place to be, and an amazing place to film at. But, and it’s a big BUT, the next few weeks are going to shale Israel.

Israel is under attack. Not by terrorists or enemies, but from within. Our unfit, corrupt prime minister is supported by a coalition of fanatics who decided that the only way to give them absolute power and political longevity, is by turning Israel into a dictatorship, supported by ultra religious parties.

The majority of Israelis will not stay quiet and let Netanyahu escape prison by destroying our homeland. We are out on the streets, using our (still) democratic right to demonstrate. We will not rest until this evil plan will fail and cease threatening our lives and our children’s future.

So Israel will be a rather unpleasant place to be in the next days. There will be demonstrations, maybe clashes and violence, hopefully no fatalities. If you plan to come to Israel in order to produce something unrelated to the demonstrations, the next days are not the best time do that. But if you plan a documentary shoot dealing with Israel – this will be a fascinating opportunity to see democracy at work – good people fighting for values we have all taken for granted, as we think everyone should do, until we realized that the time has come to fight, not by violence or by breaking the law, but still fight in any way we can.


Our new production services company in Abu Dhabi, UAE

We are glad to announce that we have established Highlight Media, a local Abu Dhabi company. Highlight Media will produce original TV content for the International markets, and will be a one-stop-shop for film, video and TV productions looking to film in the UAE.

As we do in Israel for the last 25 years, Highlight Media Abu Dhabi will provide our customers with first-rate professional productions services for TV, documentary, drama, reality, corporate and commercial shoots. Our professional team is made of highly experienced producers living in the UAE. More details coming soon…

Highlight Films news

Netflix: Things Explained, Season 3 (we produced the Israel parts)

We are very glad and proud of taking part in the production of Netflix’ new hit – Things Explained.

Producer: Nitzan Almog

Director of Photography: Hanna Abu Saada
